Before and After

Before and After - Adult Orthodontics

What are the results of an adult orthodontic treatment at Alfa Studio Dentistico?
Here is a before-and-after case of one of our patients.

Before After

Alfadental collaborates with orthodontic specialist Dr. Luca Pilia who, with 30 years of experience and constant training in orthodontic treatment of children and adults, successfully solves orthodontic problems.

Before and After - Aesthetic Veneers

The staff of the dental practice in Cagliari and Iglesias Alfadental has 18 years' experience in creating quality aesthetic veneers.

What are the results of an aesthetic dental veneer treatment at Alfa Studio Dentistico?

Here are some before-and-after cases from our patients.

Before After

This case is also part of complete rehabilitation for wear and tear due to Bruxism.

Before After
Before After

This case is also part of complete rehabilitation for wear and tear due to Bruxism.

Before and After - Dental Implant Cases

What are the results of a dental implant treatment at Alfa Studio Dentistico?

Here are some ‘Before and After’ cases of our patients.
Fixed teeth with the same characteristics as natural teeth to replace missing teeth or removable dentures and dentures.

Before After
Before After
Before After

Dr Alessandra Pinna will assess your specific case and give you all the information you need during your first visit.

Cerchi un dentista a Cagliari e Iglesias?

Contattaci ora per fissare il tuo appuntamento

Before and After - Oral Hygiene

What are the results of an Alfa Studio Dentistico oral hygiene treatment?
Here are some ‘Before and After’ cases of our patients.

Before After
Before After

At Alfa Studio Dentistico, Dr Carlo Porcedda focuses on prevention in all its aspects.

Before and After - Dental Prosthetics Cases

What are the results of a denture treatment on natural teeth at Alfa Studio Dentistico?
Here are some ‘Before and After’ cases of our patients at an intermediate stage of treatment.

Before After

The first case is an interim fixed prosthesis on natural teeth. In a single session, an old denture was replaced with an aesthetically better resin provisional, using a new technique that improves the condition of the gums. This provisional phase precedes the definitive fixed ceramic denture.

Before After

In the second case, the result of the intermediate treatment is a temporary prior to direct composite build-up (‘AFTER’). A true transformation of the smile, teeth and gums before finalisation.

Dr Alessandra Pinna will advise you on the most suitable prosthesis for your case with a personalised treatment plan.

Regain well-being and maximum comfort with the right prosthesis for your teeth!


Mettiamo a proprio agio i nostri pazienti, creando un rapporto umano e familiare per eliminare ansie e paure tipiche di ogni studio dentistico.


Una delle tecniche più apprezzate dai nostri pazienti è la Sedazione Cosciente che garantisce un trattamento indolore e senza ansia.

Piano di Cura

I tuoi denti e la tua bocca hanno caratteristiche uniche e hai bisogno di cure personalizzate adatte solo a te e a nessun altro.


Alfa Studio Dentistico utilizza da 18 anni solo i migliori materiali certificati e le tecniche più avanzate per ogni tipo di trattamento.