Stella the Sheep
We care for children's smiles
The toothbrush
The most important problems in the mouth are caused by bacteria that feed on food residues.
Wash (and teach to brush) your little one’s teeth after meals with a toothbrush and a dab of toothpaste to remove them.
Good example is the best lesson, brush them together!
Spoiled habits
Many children involuntarily tend to engage in habits such as thumb sucking, swallowing with their tongue between their teeth and nail biting, causing problems for the child’s occlusion.
Talk to us!
Foods to avoid
Bacteria that cause oral diseases feed on simple sugars, widely contained in fizzy drinks, juices, sweets and snacks. These should be avoided, especially OUT OF MEAL.
The whole body suffers, not just the mouth!
Healthy food
The heart of health lies in what we eat! From early childhood on, we favour healthy, wholesome foods with limited fat and simple sugars. Bread, pasta, meat, pulses, fruit and vegetables are the key to a long and healthy life!
Also ask about the origin of the food you buy.
Periodic visits
Periodic visits to the dentist are essential, as they make it possible to monitor the child’s growth, prevent (with groove sealants ) or intercept problems at an early stage, to intervene in a simple, effective and non-invasive manner, establishing a relationship of friendship and trust with the child!

Download the STELLA the Sheep brochure with rules for proper oral hygiene.

Mettiamo a proprio agio i nostri pazienti, creando un rapporto umano e familiare per eliminare ansie e paure tipiche di ogni studio dentistico.

Una delle tecniche più apprezzate dai nostri pazienti è la Sedazione Cosciente che garantisce un trattamento indolore e senza ansia.

I tuoi denti e la tua bocca hanno caratteristiche uniche e hai bisogno di cure personalizzate adatte solo a te e a nessun altro.

Alfa Studio Dentistico utilizza da 18 anni solo i migliori materiali certificati e le tecniche più avanzate per ogni tipo di trattamento.